8th International Wildland Fire Conference
Governance Principles: Towards an International Framework
Porto, Portugal
8th International Wildland Fire Conference
Governance Principles: Towards an International Framework
Porto, Portugal
Let’s take a walk down memory lane and relive the unforgettable moments from the conference
Increase your organisation's engagement by sponsoring the conference - choose from the range of supporter packages to boost the reach and impact of the event and connect with international actors that are transforming the urban paradigm.
Welcome Message
We are political committed towards an integrated and decarbonized mobility, a green mobility, which is intended to be safe, intelligent, connected and sustainable and which leaves no one behind. And walking is an integral part of this value chain.
It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome this 24th edition of Walk21, a conference that brings together experts from all over the world to explore the role of pedestrian mobility in the global challenge of decarbonization, in the dynamics of cities and, above all, in people's health and quality of life.
For four days, Lisbon will be the center of debate, reflection and the promotion of actions that put pedestrians at the heart of transformation.
It is therefore with great pleasure that I invite you to attend the conference and follow this journey with us, so that, together, we can chart a future where walking is a safe and sustainable choice, where everybody walks.
Cristina Pinto Dias
Secretary of State for Mobility

Important Dates
02 de setembro 2022
Abertura das inscrições
07 de setembro 2022
Apresentação do congresso à Indústria
30 de setembro 2022
Data limite para inscrição
14 de outubro 2022
Início do congresso
Conference Library
Botton-Champalimaud Pancreatic Cancer Centre
The Botton-Champalimaud Pancreatic Cancer Centre - resulting from a partnership between the Champalimaud Foundation and the Mauricio and Charlotte Botton couple, is the first in the world simultaneously dedicated to the research and treatment of pancreatic cancer.
Combining state of the art services and equipment, aimed at guaranteeing the well-being and comfort of patients, supported by the most advanced techniques, and resulting from an exclusive aesthetic approach, this centre comprises areas of research laboratories, a day hospital, a surgical centre, as well as inpatient and intensive care facilities.

Conference Venue
ISCTE, the University Institute of Lisbon, stands as a beacon of public education with its presence spanning two campuses, one in Lisbon and another in Sintra, which was inaugurated in 2021.
Since its establishment in 1972, ISCTE has prided itself on its rich cultural diversity, boasting representation from over 94 nationalities. This diversity serves as the bedrock for its contributions to the realms of education and scientific research, nurturing a vibrant community of students and embracing a multidisciplinary approach to teaching.
Photos © ISCTE

About 24th International Walk21 Conference
The 24th International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities was hosted by the Institute of Mobility and Transport on behalf of the Government of the Portuguese Republic in partnership with the City of Lisbon.
Together with experts from across Europe and around the globe this in-person only event shared insights and expertise on how to develop and implement walking policies and programmes that deliver walkable communities and safer streets, broader community participation and enhance the value of walking.
Local Organizer of 8th IWFC

International Liaison Committee for the 8th IWFC

Call for Partners
Increase your organisation's engagement by sponsoring the conference - choose from the range of supporter packages to boost the reach and impact of the event and connect with international actors that are transforming the urban paradigm.
ISCTE, the University Institute of Lisbon
ISCTE, the University Institute of Lisbon, stands as a beacon of public education with its presence spanning two campuses, one in Lisbon and another in Sintra, which was inaugurated in 2021. Since its establishment in 1972, ISCTE has prided itself on its rich cultural diversity, boasting representation from over 94 nationalities. This diversity serves as the bedrock for its contributions to the realms of education and scientific research, nurturing a vibrant community of students and embracing a multidisciplinary approach to teaching.

Paul Lecroart

Roberta Calcina