Programme at a Glance

This Provisional program is subject to change.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla turpis, luctus id mi quis, porttitor semper dui. Donec scelerisque, turpis id venenatis varius, dolor tortor placerat sapien, eu sollicitudin tortor urna sit amet est. Proin fringilla condimentum facilisis. Praesent iaculis at elit id euismod. Donec bibendum, ipsum nec laoreet pharetra, nisi turpis volutpat enim, in vehicula mi quam sit amet ipsum. Nullam neque nunc, placerat id vestibulum vel, sodales sit amet ligula. Fusce eget velit non orci interdum consequat vel et purus. Donec quam diam, dictum ac nibh iaculis, laoreet venenatis nisl. Mauris volutpat nisi at pharetra bibendum. Nullam lobortis ligula ac tincidunt maximus.

Fusce pellentesque tellus orci, quis convallis ligula interdum sed. Aliquam nisl nisi, cursus sit amet nulla id, dignissim maximus eros. Sed rhoncus risus nec dolor condimentum aliquam. Sed varius lorem ut ipsum dignissim, eget luctus magna sagittis. Nulla imperdiet non massa eget semper. Integer nec sagittis magna, non facilisis libero. Proin in velit sit amet nisi tincidunt auctor. Donec eu consectetur nisi. Ut feugiat congue laoreet. Vivamus sollicitudin ante sit amet nunc pretium suscipit. In quis leo aliquet, egestas mauris ut, vestibulum magna.

Nulla at luctus risus, eget mollis mauris. Nullam tristique ac metus vel fringilla. Quisque feugiat nisl ac rhoncus scelerisque. Nunc rhoncus molestie lectus ut maximus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi vitae accumsan nibh. Maecenas molestie congue aliquet. Pellentesque dignissim leo eu fermentum varius.

Aenean pharetra eros molestie sapien ornare, bibendum finibus nulla commodo. Donec sit amet mollis leo. Proin id nulla mauris. Sed vitae elit iaculis, ultricies felis eget, semper ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mattis hendrerit urna, sed condimentum nisi tincidunt ut. Proin egestas commodo sem, et gravida velit lobortis et. Donec consectetur leo vitae libero volutpat, ac ullamcorper orci ullamcorper. In pretium ultricies ultrices. Etiam vel pulvinar leo. Aenean eu sapien eleifend, rutrum urna consequat, dapibus augue. Phasellus quis orci quis enim posuere posuere.

Sed quis tellus scelerisque, efficitur velit eget, tristique mauris. Morbi mollis aliquam ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum, tellus vitae tempus suscipit, dui eros interdum massa, vitae mattis nibh ex gravida odio. Suspendisse consequat et leo non tempor. Donec vel justo aliquam, sodales lorem quis, ornare tellus. Fusce eu ligula suscipit, rutrum risus et, euismod nisl. In dictum, felis non congue euismod, sem mi suscipit felis, ac rhoncus ante ligula nec nibh. Nunc rhoncus mauris ut molestie blandit. Etiam nec nulla auctor, egestas augue eu, gravida neque. In pharetra dapibus turpis in maximus.

Available formats:

Topical Discussion

This is a moderated session shared with other presenters to illuminate different perspectives and experiences on the same topic. Each presentation will provide the framework for the subsequent discussion and debate.


Roundtable allows for extended discussion among a small group of colleagues. Roundtables are good venues for the hands-on exploration of case studies. Speakers are encouraged to provide insight into their topic and encourage questions and discussion taking advantage of the expertise and insights of other attendees to build ideas and possibly an output. Roundtables are interactive format and presentations are limited.

PechaKucha Sessions

PechaKucha sessions are an excellent way to share ideas succinctly and effectively. In a PechaKucha session speakers are allowed  to present  a maximum of 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images change automatically while presenters are talking, so that the storyline of the talk is built around the chosen images. There will be no time to digress or get hung up on a detail but it can be a very engaging and exciting session. After the talks are finished, the presenters and the audience will have time for discussion.


At a workshop, participants deal with a specific topic or question. A workshop aims at working together with workshop participants targeting a common goal. Workshops are interactive, and presentations can have multiple speakers and/or activities.

Walk Shops

The street will be the laboratory. A Walk Shop is an opportunity to use the public spaces in the city to explore or carry out experiments, pilot programs and deliver direct interventions. Participants will be invited to follow the speakers outside the conference venue to the real urban fabric and discover their experience, ideas and research. Explore the city and learn!


A poster session enables researchers and young researchers to bring current research work to share with delegates. Posters will be displayed during the event, with a scheduled presentation to attendees.

Learning Labs

A Learning Lab is an interactive session designed to share and explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of walking projects. Participants will have the opportunity to discover lessons learned from both successes and failures, with honesty and respect.


An opportunity to walk and talk, typically a short Walk/Meeting is a way to have a conversation on the move to discuss a particular issue while benefiting from the physical and mental benefits of being active in public space.

Training Sessions

A 90 min session on a particular topic or skill to help build capacity for walking policies and projects.

Café Session

The Café Session is an informal gathering during the coffee break, which is limited to a small group of participants. This session is designed to foster meaningful and personalized conversations between the speaker and the attendees.

Field Trips

Field trips within the conference offer attendees the chance to explore local walkability projects, providing first hand insights into walkable and livable communities. These excursions enhance the conference experience by combining practical learning with opportunities for networking and collaboration.