Walk21 Conference Series

Walk21 started in 2000 with a conference in London and the conference has been held every year since, in different cities around the world

The Walk21 International Conference series on Walking and Liveable Communities celebrates the work of our speakers and delegates on an international scale as well as promoting the international profile of walking.

Discover the impact that we have on walking, our legacy and how to get involved by hosting our next conference. See our conference library data base where we share all our knowledge from our Walking and Liveable Communities conference series.

We held our 23rd conference in Kigali, hosted by the University of Rwanda, in partnership with the City of Kigali, UNEP and Walk21 Foundation. Here are some of the highlights of the conference series over the past 23 years!

Past conferences:

Kigali (2023)

Dates: 15-19 October 2023

Venue: Kigali, Rwanda

Website: https://kigali.walk21.com/

About the Conference:

In African cities, walking is the primary mode of transport for the majority, with up to 78% of people walking every day to access work, education, health care, markets, and public transport.

Until recently, walking, almost everywhere on the continent, received relatively minor policy attention and resource allocation. Walking infrastructure was lacking: most roads had no footpaths or crossings and were poorly signed and maintained. Walking was, for a billion people, difficult, unpleasant, and unsafe and it was children, the elderly, those with disabilities, women, and those with low incomes – who walk most – that disproportionately suffered.

Kigali is leading a growing number of enlightened cities in Africa, that are transforming the paradigm by valuing people walking as a solution to routine road safety challenges, equity imbalances and climate concerns and, at the same time, attracting local and overseas visitors and economic investment.

Supportive land-use, mobility and social policies underpin the principles of a walking experience in Kigali that is safe, accessible, and enjoyable irrespective of income, age, ability, or gender. The city planners work with the engineers to deliver affordable actions to improve walkability. They are supported by knowledgeable university professors, ambitious politicians, and a demanding local community. The result is a network of enjoyable streets that are walked by everyone.

Kigali’s commitment to affordable actions for walkability is a template for any city wanting to re-define a successful future mobility system; which wants a safe, clean and reliable city that functions efficiently; and that is seeking to attract further investment to grow and be competitive internationally.

The global momentum for more walkable communities is growing. With the Pan-African Action Plan for Active Mobility and THE PEP Pan-European Masterplan for Walking in development, national governments in 108 countries are engaged in developing strategic direction for more walking in their jurisdictions.

Ireland (2022)

Dates: 19-23 September 2023

Venue: Dublin, Ireland

Website: https://walk21.com/conference/ireland-2022-2/

About the Conference:

The 22nd International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities was hosted by TU Dublin and was held between 19 and 23 September 2022.


Big steps are being taken to help people walking in Ireland. The Government has allocated €1m a day to support all the people walking already and entice more short distance trips to be walked by motorists too. New infrastructure is being built as well as improvements to existing streets and public spaces. Every-day walked trips and walking access to public transport in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford as well as local journeys in rural areas are all being targeted.

By 2030, the Government expects that these steps will have helped them deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to: halve greenhouse gas emissions (SDG 3.9) and road fatalities (SDG 3.6); significantly reduce inequalities (SDG 10) and non-communicable diseases (SDG 3.2); and increase sustainable transport for all (SDG 11.2).

Ireland’s policy blueprint is relevant to any country that wants a cleaner, safer, greener future and demonstrates how taking steps to help people walking now can deliver on global goals.


  • Seoul (2021)
  • Rotterdam (2019)
  • Bogota (2018)
  • Calgary (2017)
  • Hong Kong (2016)
  • Vienna (2015)
  • Sydney (2014)
  • Munich (2013)
  • Mexico City (2012)
  • Vancouver (2011)
  • The Hague (2010)
  • New York (2009)
  • Barcelona (2008)
  • Toronto (2007)
  • Melbourne (2006)
  • Zurich (2005)
  • Copenhagen (2004)
  • Portland (2003)
  • San Sebastian (2002)
  • Perth (2001)
  • London (2000)