About Walk21 Portugal

14-18 October 2024 | Lisbon, Portugal

The 24th International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities is being hosted by the Institute of Mobility and Transport on behalf of the Government of the Portuguese Republic in partnership with the City of Lisbon.

Additionally, this event is organised in collaboration with Walk21 and ISCTE. Together with experts from across Europe and around the globe, this in-person only event will share insights and expertise on how to develop and implement walking policies and programmes that deliver walkable communities and safer streets, broader community participation, and enhance the value of walking.

Calling politicians, engineers, campaigners, academics, and planners to share your experience and be part of the discussions and activities at Walk21 Portugal. You are invited to discuss how walking policies and projects are transforming the urban paradigm; impacting people’s walking experiences; helping deliver on safety, equity and climate goals; and attracting investment for urban development that supports people walking.

Join us as we explore what makes a successful national policy, local action or transformative project for walking.


Conference Committee

  • Bronwen Thornton, Walk21 Foundation
  • João Jesus Caetano, Institute of Mobility and Transport
  • Sofia Pires Bento, National Strategy on Active Mobility
  • Pedro Nave, City of Lisbon
  • Jim Walker, Walk21 Foundation
  • Paulo Cambra, National Strategy on Active Mobility
  • Elisabete Osório, National Strategy on Active Mobility
  • Natalia Lleras, Walk21 Foundation
  • Rita Jacinto, City of Lisbon
  • Verónica Neves, City of Lisbon
  • Lia Ferreira, Mission Structure for Promoting Accessibility
  • Bruno Avelar Rosa, National Programme for the Promotion of Physical Activity
  • João Bernadino, City of Lisbon

International Programme Review Committee

  • Alexandra Gomes, LSE Cities, Portugal
  • Ana Brandão, ISCTE, Portugal
  • Ana Zhibaj, German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Albania
  • Anna Campbell, Queensland Walks, Australia
  • Borja Ruiz-Apilánez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Bruna Pizzol, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Bruno Avelar Rosa, National Programme for the Promotion of Physical Activity, Portugal
  • Chika Shakashita, Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, Australia
  • Chilekwa O'Brien, Zambia Road Safety, Zambia
  • Daniel Casas-Valle, The Future Design of Street Association, Portugal
  • Daniela Rodrigues, EIT Urban Mobility, Portugal
  • Danielle Hoppe, ITDP Brazil, Brazil
  • Ellen Blake, Living Streets Aotearoa, New Zealand
  • Fronika de Wit, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  • Filip van As, Ministry of Water and Infrastructure, The Netherlands 
  • Filipe Moura, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Frederico Lopes, Faculty of Human Motricity, Portugal
  • Gladys Nyachieo, Multimedia University of Kenya, Kenya
  • Grzegorz Krajewjski, City of Gdansk, Poland
  • Jean-Francois Bruneau, Pieton Quebec, Canada
  • John Pritchard, International Transport Forum, France
  • Lily Scarponi, Transform Transport, Italy
  • Leticia Sabino, Instituto Caminhabilidade, Brazil
  • Lobna Galal, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Mario Alves, International Federation of Pedestrians, Portugal
  • Marta Francisco, Hatch Roberts Day, Australia
  • Mateus Humberto, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Matus Sucha, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • Mauro Pereira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Mathias Eistrup, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Manuela Rosa, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Natalia Lleras, Walk21 Foundation, Colombia
  • Paulo Cambra, National Strategy on Active Mobility, Portugal
  • Pedro Homem de Gouveia, POLIS, Belgium
  • Rafaela Machado, FIA Foundation, Brazil
  • Rita Jacinto, City of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Rodrigo Guerrero Maldonado, Jalisco Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure, Mexico
  • Rosa Félix, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Sandrine Cabana-Degani, Pieton Quebec, Canada
  • Shanna  Lucchesi, iRAP, Brazil
  • Adriana Souza, Comissão de Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal, Brazil
  • Tamara Bozovic, University of the West of England, United Kingdom
  • Verónica Neves, City of Lisbon, Portugal